Before finalising our plans for Hampton Green, we worked hard to engage with local communities and stakeholders. This helped us understand local issues and concerns regarding development of the site.
Over the course of the pre-application consultation period approximately 130 people attended the two information events we held, and we received 47 pieces of feedback on our proposals. We have subsequently worked hard to address the views and comments raised in these submissions and, where possible, comments have been taken on board to help shape the application that has now been submitted.
A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) has been included as part of our outline application. This provides a summary of the comments and views raised in feedback submitted to the consultation, and our response to them. A PDF of the SCI is available to download here.
Where is the application available?
Northampton Borough Council has registered this application as: N/2017/1369. It is available to view online here.
South Northamptonshire Council has registered this application as: S/2017/2577/EIA. It is available to view online here.