We want to achieve this by using effective landscape design to create a sense of place and community safety, together with measures to support and enhance local ecology, and reduce any impact on the environment during construction and when the development is completed.
- Retaining more than 30 per cent of the site to create a network of public open spaces.
- Downgrading a stretch of “The Green” to become a pedestrian and cycle green link into Wootton and the Homes and Communities Agency development.
- Creation of landscaped pedestrian and cycle connections through the site to access areas of public open space and create connections with the existing network and neighbouring developments.
- Provision of a centrally located equipped play area for children as well as additional informal play space across the site.
- Natural activity areas along the northern boundary including woodland walks and a dog walking circuit.
- Retention of the majority of hedgerow and mature trees around the site boundaries to maintain wildlife corridors across the site.
- Open space and woodland planting to the north, adjacent to the existing protected woodland, to promote woodland walk links with Brackmills Country Park and connections with Brackmills industrial estate.
- Development of a green buffer zone along the eastern edge of the site to soften the transition between the proposed development and the surrounding countryside, thereby minimising landscape impacts.
- New planting across the site with trees along the primary access route to create an avenue.
- The required drainage features have been integrated into the strategic landscape and open space, to provide further visual amenity and benefits to biodiversity
- Internal road layouts designed to ensure low traffic speeds, promote safe walking and limit potential for anti-social behaviour.