Hampton Green development



Our vision for Hampton Green is to create a high quality, sustainable development with a strong sense of identity and character.

The scheme will be well designed and landscaped to respect its surroundings while creating strong links to the wider area.

Key features

  1. The creation of up to 525 new homes, all designed to reflect regional characteristics and architecture of the local area.
  2. A mix of house types and sizes with an emphasis on family housing, including an element of affordable homes.
  3. Creation of a new access to the site from a proposed roundabout off Newport Pagnell Road
  4. Downgrading a stretch of ‘The Green’ off Newport Pagnell Road to become a pedestrian and cycle link.
  5. Landscaping and traffic calming to create attractive safe connections between existing and proposed developments and facilities.
  6. Over eight hectares of public open spaces, including children’s play areas, wooded areas and allotments.
  7. Creation of pedestrian and, where appropriate, cycle links through to Brackmills County Park providing onward access to Brackmills employment area.
  8. Woodland walks and a circular dog walking route.
  9. Parking throughout the development in line with the County Council’s parking standards.
  10. Improved public transport connections to Northampton town centre including extension of a bus service through the development connecting with the neighbouring Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) scheme.
  11. Financial contributions to local services and community facilities including education and healthcare.
  12. Retention of existing woodland and the majority of existing hedgerows, plus new planting and development of a green buffer zone between the site and surrounding countryside.